작성일: 2004.06.21

ModelSim SE 5.8x Install Guide...

Installed directories

ModelSim 5.8x가 설치된 폴더에는 아래 표와 같은 하위폴더들이 생성이 됩니다...  아래 표에는 각각의 하위폴더들이 포함하고 있는 내용이 간략히 설명되어 있으므로 ModelSim의 구조를 파악하시는데 도움이 되시기를 바랍니다...

Installed directories - ModelSim 5.8
soft links to all ModelSim commands, allowing platform-independent invocation (Unix계열의 경우)
ModelSim documentation, general ModelSim technotes, HTML versions of the Tcl/Tk man pages
drivers for Windows hardware keys
example simulation models, testbenches, macros, and utilities
library for accelerated IEEE and Synopsys arithmetic packages
standard VHDL IEEE library
include files for use with the WLF API, Verilog PLI/VPI, SystemVerilog API, VHDL foreign interface, and TCL
library that contains special utilities for VHDL
VHDL STD library and package TEXTIO
libraries for MGC standard developer's kit
accelerated arithmetic packages (also in ieee)
libraries for Tcl, Tix, Tk, and vsim
VHDL package for mapping to Verilog states
sources for rebuilding basic IEEE std_logic_1164 library and accelerated IEEE arithmetic packages
sources for VHDL STD library and package TEXTIO
sources and examples for MGC standard developer's kit
sources for rebuilding accelerated arithmetic packages
source for rebuilding Verilog library
sources for rebuilding VITAL version 2.2b library
sources for rebuilding VITAL version 95 library
sources for rebuilding VITAL 2000 library

Copyright © 1990 - 2004 Model Technology
A Mentor Graphics Corporation Company
Model Technology


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